I make stuff on the internet.

-Front-End Developer

Hi, I'm Drew.

Based in Phoenix, AZ

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What kind of stuff do you make??

I'm currently working on HeyJunior. A job site for junior everythings.


All About Echo

UI/UX. Logo. Development.

This is a simple WordPress site. I mostly used this as practice for writing and SEO tactics. A few pages rank in the top ten on Google.

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All About Echo

Can I Automate

UI/UX Design. SEO. Development.

This project is currently in development. I Modeled after pcpartpicker.com; I'm hoping it can become the go-to source for people getting into smart homes and automation. Can I Automate is built with React(NextJS) and MongoDB.

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Can I Automate


Design. Logo. Development.

I did everything on this one, logo, design, and development. I Built it with React and Firebase’s Real-time Database.

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UI/UX Design. Logo. Development.

This project is currently in development. HeyJunior is being developed with NextJS, Prisma(PostgreSQL), and Stripe for payment processing.

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